About us

Welcome to Pine Club Golf, your number one source for all things golf products, reviews and guides! By golfers, for golfers, we’re dedicated to giving you the very best of golf reviews and recommendations

Founded by golf-fanatics, Pine Club Golf has come a long way in helping golf beginners and those looking for that extra second opinion. When we first started out,  our passion for providing recommendations and reviews has really helped many and in interacting with our readers have really helped a lot of golfers, especially beginners, benefit the most from their game.

We hope you enjoy our product-reviews, golf articles and blog posts as much as we enjoy providing them for you. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us!


Team @Pine Club Golf


Pine Club is a golf equipment oriented site aiming to provide great tips and reviews for beginner and advanced golfers. The team behind Pine Club Golf is divided into a news segment providing articles surrounding the world of golf as well as reviews – who will test and review golf equipment.